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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Janice Hanna Thompson: Part II

I really wanted to be able to have time to read Love Finds You in Groom, Texas before posting my interview with Janice Hanna Thompson but unfortunately I didn't get a chance to. But now that I have.... I'd love to share my review with you.
The book starts out with the backstory of Jake O'Farrell. He is the lone bachelor in the town of Groom, TX. It isn't because he wants to be single, he just hasn't found the right girl yet. Not for lack of trying since his sisters-in-law keep trying to play matchmaker.
Anne Denning is traveling from Denver with her two sisters by way of train to Dallas to live with her Uncle after the death of her father. She is really out of place in her world, traveling to a place she has never been to live with an Uncle that she barely knows and having to play both mother and father to her two young sisters. I really like Anne because she is such a strong character. Despite this adversity she manages to pull it all together to be the parental figure that the girls need.
A train derailment brings our hero and heroine together, aided by Jake's meddling mother, Maggie and Anne's little sisters, Emily and Kate. Without giving away the ending let me just say that the twists and turns that these two take are heartwarming and funny. The antics of the little sisters will have you in stitches, especially Emily, a writer with an imagination as broad as the Texas Panhandle itself! This girl can sure spin a yarn!
When I read the last page of this book I flipped back to the beginning of that chapter and read it again. It was so good that I wasn't ready to put it down and I wasn't ready to be done with the characters!
I emailed Janice and begged her to write a sequel for this. I hope she took me seriously because this was not meant to be a stand alone book. I could go on and on but I don't want to be a plot spoiler. If you haven't read the book yet, please do. It is amazing!! Thank you, Janice, for sharing this story with us. As always, your tale has left me yearning for more. I look forward to reading Love Finds You in Daisy, Oklahoma and your other future endeavors, I know they will be every bit as good as Love Find You In Groom, Texas!

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